Capal privacy policy

Last updated April 4, 2023

This Privacy Notice provides information on how Capalapp collects and processes your personal data when you visit our website or mobile applications.

The Data We Collect About You?
We collect your personal data in order to provide and continually improve our services.

How We Use Your Personal Data
We use your personal data to operate, provide, develop and improve the services that we offer, including the following:
  • • Registering you as a new customer
  • • Managing your relationship with us
  • • To determine whether to provide a credit facility to you
  • • Improving our website, applications, and services
  • • To investigate or resolve any complaint and issues you may have
  • • To establish a credit rating based on your information
  • • Detecting fraud
How We Share Your Personal Data
We may need to share your personal data with third parties for the following purposes:
  • • In order to deliver your products purchased from our partners, we may be required to provide your personal data to such third parties.
  • • We engage third parties to perform certain functions on our behalf. These include analyzing data, providing marketing assistance, processing payments, transmitting content, assessing and managing credit risk, and providing customer service.
  • • We release account and other personal data to other companies and organisations for fraud protection and credit risk reduction, and to comply with the law.
  • • When we share your personal data with third parties, we require them to agree to use your data in accordance with the terms of our Privacy Policy and in accordance with the law, and only permit them to process your personal data for specified purposes and in accordance with our instructions. We do not allow our third-party service providers to use your personal data for their own purposes.

Data Security
We have put in place appropriate security measures to prevent your personal data from being accidentally lost, used or accessed in an unauthorised way, altered or disclosed.

Your Legal Rights
It is important tat the personal data we hold about you is accurate and current. Please keep us informed if your personal data changes during your relationship with us. Under certain circumstances, you have rights under data protection laws in relation to your personal data, including the right to access, correct or erase your personal data, object to or restrict processing of your personal data, and unsubscribe from our emails and newsletters.